Monday, November 10, 2008

Quiz #2......Good luck!

1. know the subject matter

2. know the pages of Sunderland discussed in class - I wrote some of the page numbers down, but I'm sure I don't have all of them, here are some: page 92, 27, 28, 206, 134, around183 - 186.

3. Know chapters from Alice:
  • Humpty Dumpty
  • Wool and Water
  • Tweedle Dun and Tweedle Dee
  • Caterpillar
  • Question of morals

4.Know My Book and Heart Shall Never Part

5. Talbot movies.....i don't know why I wrote that down

6. Name and illustrator of Alice books: Tennial

7. Last word in Beauty and the Beast in the Tatar book: Virtue

8. Who wins after death, the worms, but we triumph over the worms how? - through art

9. Oscar Wilde "Life imitates art"

10. Know the themes of the class:

  • history
  • myth
  • dreams
  • art
  • coincedence

11. The white knight might represent Carrol himself

12. What is the parodists counterpart to How Doth the Busy Bee? Carrol's How Doth the Little Crocodile -- Dr. Sexson mentioned that this sounded like a good essay question.

13. What is the beautiful food the mock turtle sings about? soup....this is also a parody of something about a star

14. Hatter's riddle: Why is a raven like a writing desk? Stolba's answer: I haven't the slightest idea

15. According to Talbot who is the most quoted author after Shakespear? Lewis Carrol.

16. _______ is a depersonalized ______ and ________ is a personalized _______. Answer: myth is a depersonalized dream and dream is a personalized myth.

17. know about Humpty Dumpty, the Jabberwocky, and portmanteau

18.Stephanie thinks the rudest of all the flowers is the violet.

19. animated contains the word anima which means soul

20. Who is the volcano? Alice

21. Alice lives in the collective The Golden Compass that would be Dust

22. The first time Alice drinks something she shrinks to 10 inches

23. What is the title of the deleted chapter from Through the Looking Glass? The Wasp and the Wig

24. How does Alice offend the mouse? by talking about her cat

25. During the Protestant Reformation the intent of literature was to teach moral values to children

26. According to My Book and Heart Shall Never Part the first Bible published was in Algonquin

27. What two animals sparked curiosity? the mammoth and the monkey

28. What machine influenced the 19th Century? the Guttenburg Press

29. Why are matters mad? the idea that mercury in the hat bands made hatters mad is an example of misplaced concreteness

30. Create an anagram of a Chapter title

31. White Rabbit drops what? white gloves and a fan

32. In Jean Cocteau's film version of the Beaty and the Beast, Beauty's tears turn into diamonds.

33. D.H. lawrence - When reading a story trust the tale not the author

34. Lewis Carrol's nickname was Dodo because he had a stutter which inspired one of his characters

35. tautology - circular argument it is what it is because it is

36. Goody-Two-Shoes is an emblem of perfection that adults lack - from My Book and Heart Shall Never Part

37. According to Dum and Dee: if Alice is a part of the Red King's dream then what are Dum and Dee? ditto ditto ditto

38. What image randomly appeared in Rebecca's dream? flying pigs

39. English class looks into the dark side of things

40. Who was the most prolific cereal.....haha i mean serial killer in 19th C England? Mary Ann Cotton

41. Two ghosts in Talbot book - Sid James and The White Lady

42. Jabberwocky poem about ledgend that haunted Sunderland the lambton worm

43. recreate last line of Alice books "Life, what is it but a dream?" this line is from the poem at the end which is an example of a structured poem called the acrostic poem which spells Alice Pleasance Liddell

44. Walter Pater - All art aspires to the condition of music because music doesn't ask the question of what does it mean

45. The text informs reality - from My Book and Heart Shall Never Part or rather life imitates art, things are only real because they are written about

46. What do the Tweedles really enjoy saying? contrary wise

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