Thursday, September 18, 2008

Making the connections...

I went back to find this story because I remember seeing it yesterday before class and I thought 'it is a tall woman and small man' and went about whatever I was doing, what I wasn't doing was "looking into it" as Dr. Sexson told us to do and I didn't "only connect" as Ian Forrester says. And like Dr. Sexson and the man reading the newspaper it wasn't very interesting until he started reading into it. Now looking at the photo I see Snow White and her seven dwarfs.

Or maybe I see Rumplestiltzkin,

Or maybe, this might be a stretch, but maybe I see Jack and the Beanstalk,

After missing the connections when I first saw the picture of Svetlana and PingPing it makes me wonder what other connections I miss throughout my day.

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