Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Last Day of Presentations

Aaron Danno - Deconstructionism in Alice in Wonderland
Erin D. - Children's Literature vs. TV, Nickelodeon in the 90's
Aaron H. - Negative Capability
Katie - puberty concerning Alice and Lyra
Rebecca - adults opressing innocent children, blank slate/Grumman
Sam - Storytelling, Uncle Jake with a horn as a hearing aid and a peg leg
Cassie - played a song for us "Fairytale" by Sarah Bareilles, women in fairytales don't do a damn thing
Dustin - took a poll of 5 women and 5 men, research, what is your favorite fairytale and why?
Adam - journey of the dream, a pawn in chess can only move forward, but once it reaches the other side of the board it turns into a queen and can move anywhere....dream/memory/Nabokov/Alice
B. Reid - dreams, Lyra, Alice, Dorothy "Life, what is it but a dream" - Lewis Carrol
Ryan - Mary Malone, Muefla, Gomez killing a bird, Global warming effecting polar bears, man taking advantage of nature
Jessie - Alice in Wonderland, time, white rabbit, how children relate to time, worked in a daycare last summer with weird kids
Lisa - 6 degrees of seperation, herself to Obama
Danielle - Alice vs. Dorothy vs. Lyra, child vs. adolesence vs. adult
Cheryl Knobel - reversals, Alice, child lit. for adults too, kids hang upside down and chat on the monkey bars.

Everyone stuck to Dr. Sexson's decree of short presentations and we had 20 minutes in class to spare so everyone who presented went to the front of the room and those in the audience asked people questions. Group presentations start on Friday, I think it is groups 1 and 2 who present.

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