Sunday, December 7, 2008

What fairytale are you living?

The first thing written in my notes for the whole semester besides the date, which was 9/5/08 is, "all literature is diplaced myth" - Northrop Frye. Then we were instructed to displace fairytales into realism, which we presented to the class. We were also asked the question: What fairytale are you living? It was never assigned as a blog, but I thought it would be cool to read everyone's fairytale. It is a little late for that now. Stories are empty unless they are energized. !?!?! Energized by what? truth? connections? Like the guy reading the Daily Chronicle that Dr. Sexson wrote about. The articles seem boring until we start making connections, finding the myth permeating our stories, observing the deep structures, reading the story behind the story. I wrote a short piece for classical literature a few semesters ago about finding the myth within my story, you can check it out here.

1 comment:

lpd said...

Sam -- from the moment you brought your guitar to class I was intrigued -- you've added so much to my experience of this class -- thank you!